Vegetarian sources of high protein for building muscle

by Matt

Hello, I am a vegetarian and I am trying to put on a lot of muscle... I go to the gym once or twice a week, and drink protein shakes.

I of course know that there is great protein in lean meat and fish, but I cannot eat meat and fish. What are the vegetarian food sources that are very high in protein?


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High protein foods and a good exercise program

by Olga

Hemp, nuts and seeds, mushrooms and egg whites, beans and bean products (tofu for example), leafy greens and some grains are vegetarian foods high in protein.

My simplified (non-scientific) method of determining whether food is high in protein is to get nutrition data on it, and find % of protein by weight. If it is higher than 10%, the food is usually a great source of protein.
Almonds and other nuts are superfoods - 21% of the weight of almonds, for example, is protein. Seeds are the next best. Grains, like quinoa and brown rice, have less than 10% in cooked state, but supply complex carbs and minerals as well as opposed to nuts that contain fat.
Hemp protein is widely used by vegan bodybuilders. For example, Brendan Brazier, a vegan athlete and ironman, have achieved top results training on a vegan diet. His book, "The thrive diet", contains in-depth details about vegan sports nutrition along with a lot of recipes. Check my own very simple and quick high protein recipes.

To get a lot of muscle, you may consider going to the gym at least 3 times a week, better 4, and adopting a good bodybuiling program, or else you may set yourself up for a disappointment. You will tone up, no doubt, but getting a lot of muscle requires a lot of effort. Google Craig Ballantine or check out "Burn the fat, feed the muscle" (aka BFFM) program by Tom Venuto.

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