Pickled fried cabbage recipe with tempeh

In the Ukraine,pickled fried cabbage is served as a side dish. It is also used as a pie filling , and quite often it is mixed with boiled eggs.

Pickled fried cabbage recipe with tempeh

Here is a traditional vegetarian sour cabbage recipe with an international twist - picked cabbage, fried with indonesian tempeh. Tempeh replaces eggs nicely and removes cholesterol and animal protein from the equation. If you are looking for more high protein vegetarian recipes that are easy to cook, check out my high protein recipes collection, and for more ways to cook cabbage please go to my cabbage recipes.

Pickled fried cabbage recipe with tempeh

Crunchy sour cabbage combines well with softer, mellow tempeh. Pickled cabbage doesn't overpower, but leaves that impression of perfect balance in your mouth.

Let's not forget that both tempeh and pickled cabbage are fermented probiotic foods - and synergy of those provides significant digestive help. This pickled fried cabbage recipe has great anti-cancer and weight loss benefits, so don't worry about portion size, eat as much as you want!

Pickled fried cabbage with tempeh

The first time I tried tempeh,it was deliciously cooked by Christina Pirello. I couldn't reproduce the taste ever since. Whatever I did, tempeh tasted like a roll of wet newspapapers stuffed in my mouth. After chef Doug's presentation I got the point - steaming is important to reveal the true taste ans structure of tempeh. This recipe was a whole world different from what I have produced before.

  • 2 cups fresh cabbage, shredded
  • 2 cups pickled cabbage
  • 3 leaves of swiss chard ( optional)
  • 1 8-ounce package tempeh
  • 1.5 cups boiled water
  • 1 cube vegetarian boullion
  • 2 tbsp olive oil
  • 2 tbsp olive oil (do not add if aiming to lose weight)
  • 1 tsp each thyme, majoran, sage (optional)
  • no more salt! pepper to taste

  1. Mix boullion cube with water and herbs. cut tempeh
  2. Cut tempeh in 1/4 inch cubes. Slice it horizontally once, and then cube it.
  3. Heat small skillet and add water and tempeh cubes to it. Cover with a lid and let it simmer for not less than 10 minutes. If water is not fully absorbed after that, open a lid and let it simmer more under your supervision. If water absorbes prior to 10 minutes, add 1/4 cup more.
  4. Heat bigger skillet and add 1 tbsp of olive oil. Add shredded cabbage and pickled cabbage and mix often until shredded cabbage becomes soft, for about 5 minutes. Add tempeh, cover, let it simmer for 2 more minutes to allow flavors to blend.
  5. Serve hot or cold.

Makes 3 servings as a main course or 6 servings as a side dish. Freezes well.


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