Frozen kale juice - a great way to preserve kale

Frozen kale juice is a life saver when Mother Nature awards you with more kale than you can eat. This happened to me once a year, every October to be precise. I used to stand in my kitchen, surrounded by hundreds of dollars worth of organic kale from my own backyard (produced by my 11 kale plants), and feel desperate and utterly responsible for preserving my harvest.

 frozen kale juice


I tried to freeze kale, and my friend tried to vacuum-freeze it. Our conclusion?

Can you freeze kale? Yes, you can! Will you like it? No, you wonÂ’t! Maybe, you will, but we did not.

The idea of freezing kale juice came from one of my subscribers who downloaded my free e-book "Everything Kale", and responded to my plea to please share any methods not listed in the book.

She was blending kale and freezing it, and, furthermore, using it in her smoothies. Brilliant, isnÂ’t it?

Well, this is technically juice with pulp, which is great, but I decided to juice kale prior to freezing.

preparing frozen kale juice

How to make frozen kale juice? In three easy steps:

  1. Wash your kale
  2. If you donÂ’t have a juicer, use your blender. Juice or blend kale, and pour it to the ice cube tray.
  3. When juice freezes, take the cubes out of the tray and put them into either glass container or zip-lock bag. Reuse the trays for next portion.

How to use frozen kale juice?

Take one ugly green cube and add to your orange juice. You have just made it so much healthier!

Take two green cubes and add to your smoothie. For example, Pineapple smoothie or Blueberry Smoothie. Voila, you have just changed its colour to healthy earthy colour, but who cares if you also can enjoy the health benefits of this simple action immediately.

I hope you found this information useful – and please get your own copy of my e-book which I meant to be a quick reference about anything kale. It is available on my two most popular pages, kale recipes and kale juice recipes.

P.S. Dealing with Kale Pulp

Wondering what to do with the loads of kale pulp? After all, it contains precious fiber that is so good for you.

I either boil it to extract more juice, or, as another subscriber suggested, add a bit of water and juice it again.

If you juice kale with stems, which is what I do, kale pulp is practically unusable, as fiber comes in long pieces that look like recently cut hear. Yikes! My guests once asked, why is there hair in my newly bakes kale muffins.

But if you take the time to separate leaves from stems, and juice them separately, itÂ’s a different story. You can use kale pulp extracted from leaves in kale muffins, or dehydrated snacks. For example, I make my own dehydrated crackers, and they never have a pretty colour, thanks to kale pulp.


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