I try to find balance but know I'm falling short

by Sue-Anne
(Montreal, Quebec)

When I began practicing yoga in 1990, I started making healthy changes in my diet. I started reading about healthy diets starting with John Robbins' "May All Be Fed."

Now, 20 years later I am completing my studies to be a Naturopath and obviously I continue to be as well informed as possible about eating healthy and following a healthy lifestyle.

Even at that, I would say yes I am also a victim of well informed futility syndrome as well. While I do consider that I eat more healthy than most, tons of fresh veggies and fruits for the most part organic, especially in the summer. Whole grains, good fats and protein. Next to no processed foods or white foods.

My challenge lies in the price of organic meat, eggs, and vegetables. I just don't yet feel I can afford to pay the high price of these foods. So I eat the non organic chicken, fish and eggs, knowing all the hormones, chemicals, and antibiotics they contain, but I try not to think of it.

I continue working hard to increase my income so that eventually I can eat almost 100% organic, and even in writing this I feel more inspired to reach my goals of financial freedom!

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Jul 09, 2011
Organic meat is too expensive? Try meats grown naturally
by: Anonymous

Dear Sue-Anne,

Our family also faced this dilemma and here is how we reduced amount of money spent on meat while buying better quality meat and keeping our meals tasty.

Firstly, we found several local businesses that grow and sell naturally raised meats. We researched them well, because we were afraid that anyone can make this claim, and we would have no knowledge whether it's true or not. Now we buy from these businesses. Naturally raised meats have no antibiotics, and the animals had normal life grazing on the grasses. So they are just like organic, but cheaper. Organic certification is prohibitively expensive, and, inevitably, this gets reflected in the price of meat. We always have extra in the freezer.

Secondly, we reduced our meat intake to the bare minimum. Our whole family eats one chicken per week most of the time. We used to eat one-two chickens plus pork plus beef every day.

We found stores that sell organic chicken at a reasonable price. We buy only organic ( or natural) chicken not only because it tastes so much better and is healthier for us, but also because we are against the way the chickens are treated and the way they die in the conventional system.

How do we do it? Chicken is not the main ingredient in the meal. I think of those meals as vegetarian meals with a flavour of chicken. They are great meals without meat, but addition of a little bit of meat gives them familiar meat flavour. Also, vegetarians can eat the meal as is, while meat eaters can add chicken.

Another good idea is to add a little bit of beef to a vegetarian burger to get that flavour without making it out of beef fully.

Lastly, we only go to vegetarian restaurants or those that have original vegetarian meals in the menu. It took us many years to start doing so, and we are at a loss why we did not start earlier. This way we are not forced to select from bad and worse choices and we support the businesses that promote the right thing with our dollars.

All these measures resulted in us spending as much money per week or less on organic and natural meat as we did on conventionally raised meat before.

We also feel less dependent on meat and not craving meat at all.

Hope this helps!

P.S. As for the eggs, we have replaced them in baking with Egg Replacer or applesauce, and now we eat less eggs and can afford to buy natural. I always add silken tofu to my omelette to increase volume and that helps to save some eggs too.

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