Kale juice - a remedy for dry skin

Seeking for a natural remedy for dry skin? I created this kale recipe from ingredients that provide excellent hydration for dry skin. This is in addition to its other wonderful health benefits, such as weight loss and lower blood pressure, anti-inflammatory and digestive aid.


One day I was researching natural remedies for dry skin and came across this article in Huffington Post: Fruit and Vegetable Juice Improves Skin . It was describing a scientific study that measured the impact of drinking  fruit and vegetable juice concentrate on the condition of the skin. The conclusion was that "after the participants finished the course of fruit concentrate and placebo capsules, researchers discovered that those who took the fruit concentrate had a 39% increase of microcirculation of the skin, 9% more hydration, 6% increase in thickness and 16% more in density. Those who took the placebo capsule suffered a decrease in all of these."

Well, I had the ingredients I needed to create this light and tasty kale juice recipe just as doctors prescribe in the article above.     I chose pineapple and kale for my juice that was supposed to feed my skin from within and prevent it from going dry and wrinkled. Skin hydration and microcirculation are vitally  important to stop this process of ageing.

Enjoy this tasty easy pineapple kale juice recipe.

Pineapple Kale Juice Recipe

How to make pineapple kale juice?

I prefer to buy fresh pineapples and make the juice from scratch. In an ideal world, we try to avoid canned foods. In the real world, this may be the only option for someone with a busy schedule and hectic lifestyle. If you are pressed for time, you can mix Dole pineapple juice with kale juice.
Furthermore, if you have frozen kale juice, you can throw a couple of cubes in the glass of pineapple juice and have a decent natural food drink promoting healthy skin.

But there is one more ingredient in my juice that is great for the hydration of dry skin.

What's in this kale juice recipe?

I added cucumber to my kale pineapple juice. Cucumber is great for external application on the dry skin, it is widely used in facials. But did you know that it is great for the hydration of the cells from within and for prevention of several types of cancer?

The benefit of cucumber is that it has very light taste and green colour, so the overall look and feel of the juice doesn't change much.

Pineapple Kale Juice Recipe

  • 1 small pineapple, cleaned
  • 8 leaves of curly kale
  • 1/2 of English cucumber
  • 1 slice of lemon (optional)
  1. Clean the pineapple. You don't need to core it as the core can be juiced. Slice it in pieces that fit into your juicer
  2. Wash cucumber and cut it lengthwise to fit into your juicer .
  3. Feed pineapple and kale ( alternate pieces) to the juicer. Throw the pulp away. If your pineapple is ripe and sweet, you can add one slice of lemon to your juice. However, most pineapples bought at the store are not sweet enough, so lemon juice is not needed.
  4. Juice the cucumber - you can save its pulp for homemade greek yogurt

This amount produces about 750 ml of juice. You can store kale juice in tightly closed jar for up to two days.


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