Spicy Pickled cabbage

Spicy pickled cabbage is another tasty variation of basic pickled cabbage. Find out about health benefits of pickled cabbage, watch the video, and read my troubleshooting guide before you make your own here.


Spicy pickled cabbage

This recipe for spicy pickled cabbage comes from Povareshki, a popular Russian-language recipe site.

  • 2 kg (4.4 lbs) of cabbage, shredded
  • 2 tablespoons of coarse salt
  • 2-3 carrots
  • 100 g celery, 50 g celery greens
  • 4 big cloves of garlic, thinly sliced
  • 1/4 tsp freshly ground black pepper

  1. Shred cabbage in manageable portions (about 4 -5 cups)
    Shred celery and carrots, thinly slice garlic and mix with cabbage. Add pepper and coarse salt. Do not squeeze as you usually would when making pickled cabbage.
  2. Place the cabbage into enamel, stainless steel, ceramic pot or glass jar. Make sure not to use aluminum pots because aluminum leaks into the cabbage during the fermentation process.
  3. Using your fist, push the cabbage into the pot so that juice start to come out.
  4. Cover with the plate or lid that is smaller in the diameter than the pot. Lid has to lay on top of the cabbage. Put weight on top of the lid, cover the cabbage with a towel and put in the warm place.
  5. Two days after, taked the lid off, mix the cabbage, press it in, and leave it for another two days. Cabbage should be always covered in its own juice.
  6. Transfer your spicy pickled cabbage into the glass jars, and keep it in the fridge.

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