Swine flu prevention

Neither vaccine nor other swine flu prevention methods can provide 100% protection against H1N1. However, they can increase your chances not to get the swine flu - or to fend it off more effectively. Here is a review of swine flu prevention methods, before and after someone in your household gets sick. Shopping list for supplies is provided.


A pandemic strain of Influenza A, a.k.a. Swine flu (H1N1) has become widespread. As I write this, Ukrainian government has closed schools and  quarantined the whole country. Four doctors have died in the Ukraine's Lviv and Ternopil regions, where swine flu reached epidemic proportions3. In the US widespread influenza activity was reported by 48 states out of 50.

How  prepared are you for  the H1N1( swine flu) pandemic?

swine flu prevention- masks

H1N1 Vaccine - Are you planning to get a flu shot?

The most debated topic is vaccination – according to the most recent poll, 51% of Canadians plan not to take the vaccine, and 49% cannot wait to get it. Most of the people around me still haven’t made their decision. They don’t have a sufficient data on vaccine effectiveness against H1N1 strain of virus and adverse reactions to it.

Information is confusing. While public care officials call for everyone to get a vaccine, and  health care professionals are lining up to get a flu shot, there are voices in  the medical community that disagree.

Read more about Swine flu vaccine effectiveness and use your own judgement.

Swine flu prevention: other protective measures

Whether you plan to vaccinate or not, consider other effective  measures that you can take to protect yourself and your family from the swine flu.

Other swine flu (H1N1) prevention strategies

  • Disinfect  surfaces more frequently than usual, especially dor knobs and light switches
  • Disinfect air in the house
  • Avoid public gatherings and being around sick people
  • Buy  the essentials in advance: food, medications, masks, disinfectants
  • Use personal protection
    Wash hands before you eat and before touching your eyes, nose or mouth; wear mask.
  • Watch for any symptoms of disease and quarantine a family member
  • Boost immune system:
    • Foods
    • Herbs
    • Vitamins
    • Homeopatic medications
  • Boost antibacterial defense
    • Foods
    • Herbs
    • Vitamins
    • Homeopatic medications
    • Antibacterial medications

    Why antibacterial protection is important? Because most of the mortality from H1N1 happens from so called P&I ( pneumonia and influenza). Just like in 1918. According to the doctors, pneumonia hits the person affected by the H1N1 virus really hard, and his or her health deterioration happens very fast.

Swine flu prevention when caring for a sick family member

  1. Protect yourself and others
    • Often clean your hands – either wash with soap or use a hand sanitizer after touching anything the sick person has touched and before eating or touching your eyes, mouth and nose.

    • Have a sick person wear a surgical mask and use a tissue when coughing and sneezing. Wear the mask and safety glasses when within 2 meters ( 6 feet) from him/her1.

    • Clean the air

    • Burn essential oil with antibacterial properties. Use eucalyptus, pine or oregano  oil on the oil burner in the sick person’s room and other rooms in the house.
      Allow air to circulate outside.
      Consider using air ionizers2

  2. Allow the ill person to rest away from others.
  3. Allow the sick person to rest and make sure they use a separate phone and set of dishes. Everything they touch should be disinfected with the bleach-based cleaner. They should stay within 2 meters (6 feet) away from others, preferably in their own well-ventilated room. They are estimated to be contagious for 7 days from the onset of illness and should stay home.1. It's better to limit visitors, hugging, and kissing.

  4. Keep the sick person’s things separate from others and handle anything he/she touches with care.1
    • Have a separate set of essential things for the sick person: towel, toothbrush, mugs, plates, forks and spoons.

    • Line their garbage bin with a plastic bag so that you don’t touch the content.1

    • Disinfect door knobs,  light switches, and bathroom daily. Use a mixture of 1 part bleach and  10 parts  water.1.

Shopping list

Consider the following three scenarios:

  • Primary caregivers in the household get sick
  • The whole household gets quarantined for seven days
  • Swine flu outbreak is severe and there is a shortage of drugs, vitamins, disinfectants, or personal protection goods at the store.

Any of these three scenarios is likely to occur. Therefore, it is important to buy and stock-pile food, drugs, and personal protective equipment.

  1. Personal equipment
    • Masks
    • Disinfectants for hands
    • Tissue
    • Safety googles
    • Thermos for tea
    • Separate distinct looking set of dishes and cups
  2. General disinfection
    • Bleach
    • Essential oils: eucaliptus, oregano
    • Oil burner
    • Air ionizer
    • Clean the filter in your forced air system
  3. Medications and natural remedies
  4. Foods
  5. Herbs and herbal tea
  6. Vitamins: D,C,E

These swine flu prevention techniques may not sound like a revelation, but they are the best thing you could do to increase your chances of not getting sick. The key is to start using them - forget our usual notion that we are young and healthy and we will survive. Swine flu, especially combined with a bacterial infection, hits young people hard.

Prevention is the best strategy!

1. Public Health Agency of Canada
2. Research: Air ionizers wipe out hospital infections
3. Newsru.com(in Russian)


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