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< prides itself on introducing busy people to the world of healthy eating by providing practical tips, simple and quick recipes, and information to help ease the transition to alternative diets, including plant-based diets.

Over these last few years, my efforts have garnered a great deal of feedback and support, something for which I am deeply grateful as I continue to promote healthy living and eating on the web. It takes a lot of time, effort, and money to create and test recipes and write wellresearched articles. And it takes integrity to not get drawn into the online income game.

By supporting this site not only do you help yourself and others improve their health and quality of life, you contribute to the overall health of the planet. You do it by helping spread the word about practical ways to fight excessive pollution and the unnecessary suffering of people and animals. When enough individuals make the decision to change their diet and improve their health — simply choosing to eat something else for breakfast, lunch, and dinner — they make a significant impact on the market and environment.

If you think that individual action doesnÂ’t matter, just consider the ban on genetically modified foods in Europe that, I hope, one day will happen in North America as well.

My (practical) dream is to write an online application to help people cook more, and choose simple healthy meal plans, customized to their dietary needs and lifestyles. I couldnÂ’t do it alone, so I am saving money to team up with a dietitian, designer and programmers.

You can support my efforts in several ways:

  • Donate money

    Any amount is welcome; for example, a donation of 15 dollars pays for the editing of one article. Click this button to donate using PayPal:
  • Buy products that I recommend on my website

    You will really need some of them for healthy cooking. I will get a commission for some of them. Buying is easy: simply click on the link from my website to the manufacturerÂ’s site and complete your transaction there. All of the products that I recommend I either use on a regular basis or have thoroughly tested. I absolutely believe in them.
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    ...and receive my newsletter, which includes delicious recipes and updates. Share my website with your friends and family members.
  • Get my free collection of healthy cooking e-books and reports

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  • Send me your feedback

    Tell me how my site helped you and what would you like to see more of in the future. If you have any fundraising ideas, please share them with me!

Thank you!


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